Thursday, August 16, 2012

Oops, almost forgot!

Wow, Thursday really caught up with me today!  Every Wednesday I think I should pre-write some of my blog post so I don't forget and Thursday afternoon rolls around with no blog post written.  This week has been very relaxing.  I had almost nothing on the calendar, for once. 

The week didn't start off very great....migraine and sick at work; at least my co-workers knew I was really sick.  Tuesday, I started the day on the right side of the bed -- well rested (I took a 4.5 hour nap on Monday and still went to bed by 11:00 pm) and quickly tackling all of my projects at work.  A quick stop at the mall on my way home from work for a few essentials - new mascara to replace my 2 year old one, black top, and browsing the clearance rack for a steal on a pair or sandals or two (no luck).  After all of that I even cooked dinner for Adam and I - a feast of corn (bought too many last Saturday and we're still eating it) and pancakes!  Yes, that's right I made the most gourmet meal I could think of - Buttermilk pancakes from a pancake mix.  Did anyone know the syrup expires?  A found a bottle of Mrs. Buttersworth that expired April 2011 stashed in our cabinet.  Adam thought it was probably from the last time we decided that breakfast food for dinner was THE-BEST-IDEA-EVER... it really is delicious.  Thankfully we had picked up a new bottle over the weekend when we questioned if we even have syrup in our apartment.  

Yesterday was way more fun than my Tuesday miscellaneous errands and Monday's coma like sleeping state. Amsterdam Bar in downtown Saint Paul was holding a documentary screening at a bar (that has my name written all over it).  The documentary was "Big Easy Express". Here's the trailer.  It was featuring all of these talented musicians and bands, like Mumford and Sons, as they travel by train car across the country performing and genuinely jamming out like the rock stars they are.  I've been pining to see it since I first watched the trailer several months back.   

The sad news is for as excited as I was, I wasn't the only person anticipating a few movie hosted by a local radio station, 89.3 The Current, with a more than one person viewership.  Imagine 100+ people parading into an area set-up cafe style for maybe 25 - 30 people to watch this documentary on a projection screen.  Every chair that wasn't nailed down in the bar was brought into the viewing area, so before the rush commenced Adam and I backed out and grabbed the last two chairs at the bar to contemplate our next move.  

Naturally we ordered a beer to at least make the trip worth it.  From our seats we could actually see the screen, but it wasn't that comfortable.  We decided to wait for the documentary to come out on Netflix.  The bar wasn't exactly the silent movie theater audience and the audio for the dialogue wasn't loud enough where we were sitting to want to stay.  The parts we did see were intriguing and I cannot wait to see it now more than before.  All in all, we were out of the apartment for a while and enjoying each other's company.  A bonus since we won't see each other over the weekend (thank God, right Adam?).  

Anyone seen an early release of a good movie lately?  Any movies to recommend I should see as we reach my least favorite time of the year - cold, dark, and nothing to do outside.  

1 comment:

  1. Limitless is a great movie (on Netflix) if you haven't seen it yet! -Marjanae
