Saturday was a very early morning - we were both wide awake by 6:40 am. I'm the type of person that once I'm up, I'm awake and I'm not going back to bed. After about 15 minutes of checking email, update iPad games, and teeth brushing we set-out on a two hour walk. Quick stop at Starbucks and we were on our way down Summit Avenue to the Mississippi River and back. Unaware at the time, we were decked out in border battle sweatshirts - me in Minnesota and Adam in Wisconsin - that one runner kindly pointed out to us as he approached saying something to the comment of "I don't know how you two can stand next to each other"...Oh, if he only knew.
Finally the time rolled around the head off the Adam's company Summer Party. It was a reggae theme complete with a Caribbean band. We were entertained with great covers from Bob Marley and Jimmy Buffet. Here's a shot of Max and I enjoying the Pinewood Derby. I swear he isn't giving me a look like "oh, who is this crazy woman? I don't think I like her":
If anyone understands the rules or strategy of polo, please send me a comment. I'm still really confused. One thing I really enjoyed was the terminology - A period is called a chukker (random?). We stayed for 4 of the 6 chukkers, since it started to rain. A very special thank you goes out to Sarah and her friends for welcoming us to join their tent for the event. Here are some great group shots:

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