Monday, June 18, 2012

Rules, guidelines, etc.

I've always admired those with extreme discipline: marathon runners, med students, etc. My motivation for anything comes in ebbs and flows, so I've decided before I get into the heart of this project I am going set-up some guidelines for myself.  

My blog is a creative outlet, and will not be a place where I will voice complaints of my current (less than significant) woes.  As in woe-is-me: I have a great life with a wonderful boyfriend and a less than gratifying job - I'm still trying to get it all figured out.  

Self deprecation is something I seem to tie into conversations.  From the number of "What not to say during an interview" articles I've read, that isn't a great characteristic.  To ensure that I'm always staying optimistic, I'm going to attempt to avoid it.  I will tie in several current reality t.v./celebrity anecdotes as I spend a significant amount of my free time reading Daily Mail and watching reality t.v. (a.k.a I'm obsessed with Bravo).  

This is a lifestyle blog, and current, my leisurely time consists of sports (mainly soccer and sometimes casual running), shopping, wine, beer, fancy cocktails and eating....lots of eating.  Prepare yourself for a whole spectrum of perspectives on my life, life choices (not necessarily always the right decision), and the random situations I sometimes find myself in! Realistically, I have set my post weekly minimum to 2 posts per week: one to recap the weekend and one from the week's excitement. It seems easy enough now, but who update scheduled for Mondays and Thursdays to start. (wish me luck!). /span>

I'm sure as I continue to write and critique myself there will be more rules/guidelines created.  Most importantly, I plan to write with a purpose typically for one of the following topics:
Houses (currently looking at house to buy)
Vacations (or stay-cations if we decide to make the most of Saint Paul, MN)
....and let's not forgot the randomness that can be my life. 

Well----this-is-happening....I'm starting a blog!

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